Create an assignment

Creating an assignment in Blackboard allows instructors to efficiently manage grading tasks, utilize inline grading features, and check submissions for plagiarism using Safe the Assign tool.

Under any content area in your Blackboard course menu, select Assessments and then Assignment.


Provide assignment instructions, designate the total points possible, and adjust default submission, grading, and display options as necessary.

SafeAssign is NOT turned on automatically. Check the Plagiarism Tools box under Submission Details to check submissions for plagiarism.

Due Dates and Availability

Assignment submissions will still be accepted after the due date by default. They will however, be marked as late in the grading center as shown below.



Availability can be adjusted at the bottom of the Create Assignment page if the instructor prefers to prevent students from submitting after the due date.


Once satisfied, click Submit to finalize the assignment.