Portfolium Quick Start

Portfolium is free, digital platform to electronically showcase your work.


Prepare the following items in advance to personalize your profile:

  • Professional picture (headshot)
  • Personalized background photo


  1. Your profile includes personal information and facts about you. From the “Me” icon, select “View Profile” to edit your profile.

  1. You can add your introduction, education, courses, and resume to personalize your profile.

3. To make a good first impression, edit your background photo, personal picture, and profile overview. Click the pencil icon to get started.

Your “Tagline” is a short, memorable message that clearly communicates your brand, an expression of your personal mission and vision in just one sentence.


  1. Additional profile and privacy settings should be reviewed to promote or prevent access to your profile information. From the “Me” icon, select “Settings” to edit your profile and privacy.

  1. “Profile Settings” include additional personal information and social media links.
  1. “Privacy Settings” allow you to enable profile privacy and website data collection information. You can also download your data and disable your account.

🔔”Notifications” allow you to restrict the types of email received when you or others interact with your profile and portfolio.


  1. To showcase your projects and work samples, upload, import files, or link to a website. There are several ways to add a “New Project” to your portfolio.

  1. Follow the tips to complete each section and improve the strength of your project.
  1. Add an attachment, category, description, and include skills, tools, software, and tags associated with your project.
Project Example: Expand and scroll through the slides below to view how to add a project.


  1. “Preview” your project to review and finalize edits. You can go “Back to Editor” to “Finish Later” or “Publish” your project.
  1. “Publish” and view “Visibility options” to determine how public or private your project will be.

3. Visibility Settings determine who can view and comment on your project.



Your projects showcase your skills and experience as you continue to develop your portfolio. You can add, view, and edit your projects and visibility settings at any time.

Project Example: Expand and scroll through the slides below to view how to edit visibility settings and share your project.


  1. Access the “User Guide” to View Canvas Student Pathways and ePortfolios Guides. From the “Me” icon, select “User Guide”

  1. “Canvas Student Eportfolios” provides a detailed Table of Contents with links for each step of the process.
Canvas Student Pathways allow instructors to define pathways to include milestones and requirements for portfolio development and assessment.

  1. To Logout of Portfolium, click the “Me” icon and select “Logout”.