Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning


Learn more about the tools available for teaching and learning:


Engage in your courses anytime, anywhere, Blackboard is Virginia Wesleyan University's learning management system (LMS).

🏴Blackboard Learn Ultra@VWU

Start building your Learn Ultra course content, increase participation and engagement, and take performance and feedback to the next level.

💼Portfolium Portfolios

Develop and share electronic portfolios, Portfolium can be integrated into Blackboard courses for assignments and assessments.

🎦Microsoft Stream Video

Record videos, screen captures, and presentations, Stream is fully integrated into Microsoft 365 to create and share video.

🎬One Button Recording Studio

Demonstrate and interact with your content, the One Button Recording Studio captures your presentations, overlays, and annotations to a portable flash drive.

💻Video Conferencing Comparison

Deliver lectures, share your screen, and record meetings, Microsoft Teams Meetings can be integrated into Blackboard courses.


Schedule a time for individualized assistance:


Make the most out of classroom and technology resources:

🚥Epson Interactive Projector

Interactive computer, whiteboard, and annotation tools in Clarke 125, Clarke 214, and Clarke 217.

📺Viewsonic Interactive Viewboard

Interactive computer, whiteboard, and meeting tools in Clarke 202 and 221.

📹Recording Resources for the One Button Recording Studio

Interactive lightboard, demonstrations, and recording in Clarke 218.


Quicklinks for Students, Faculty, and Staff including technology services, academic resources, and exam schedules.

Online Technical Support